6 Ways Relationships Can Quickly Become Unfair

Here are a number of the subtle ways habits and expectations can work to cause imbalances in relationships

Martin Vidal


Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels

The dividing lines between these categories, like with most categories, can get a little blurry. Some of them overlap with others or are subsets of others, but all in all, I believe if we want to suss out unfair conditions in our relationships, looking at these six structural factors makes for a good start.


When it comes to wants and needs, we all have particular degrees and frequencies that we need them met at in order to feel satisfied. For example, some people feel that sex once or twice a week in a relationship is sufficient, while others only feel sated if they’re getting it once or twice a day. Some people are perfectly content letting the sink fill up with dishes throughout the day, so long as they’re transferred to the dishwasher before they go to sleep, while others feel the sink should be clear throughout the day, so they believe it should be emptied after every meal. Lots of things in our life work this way.

All of these various thresholds are very important to recognize because dissatisfaction isn’t set around an objective measure. A person’s dissatisfaction is brought about when…

